Routes 2 Success
Foundation Study Programme
Routes to Success is a supportive study programme that enables young people to move into adulthood with confidence and resilience, as well as relevant skills and qualifications.
To access the programme learners will need to be between the ages of 16 and 18, or up to 25 with an EHCP.
The programme would benefit learners who are not ready to access mainstream post 16 study and those who learn more effectively in a small group setting or require additional support.
Learners will study a City & Guilds Employability qualification, relevant Functional Skills at a variety of levels in English and Mathematics, or GCSE Maths and English. There is a personal and self-development strand to support and improve the health and wellbeing of learners. In addition there are curriculums dedicated to the development of Independence and Life Skills. All learners have the opportunity to undertake a work placement relating to their needs and interests for a minimum of one day a week.
Embedded throughout the curriculum is the development of individuals transferrable skills; identifying and improving those skills that will support young people to positively progress into adulthood and employment.
The programme is a full time programme, minimum of 3 days a week, for 38 weeks cover the full academic year. Learners will also participate in a work placement or tasters which can be for one day a week or for shorter periods to meet individual need. Classroom study is in small groups with a variety of projects and offsite visits to engage and motivate the learners to succeed. Many learners have additional support requirements which can be met through our dedicated learner support team.
York Learning actively supports learners to progress in to employment, apprenticeships, college, supported internships and further study through regular advice and guidance and access to a dedicated employer engagement officer who can support applications, college visits and interview preparation.
Sarah Robson, Programme Manager (Mon – Thurs)
01904 551806/07534 042146
Alison Thorne, Programme Manager (Mon – Thurs)
01904 551561/07796 818184
Winterscale House
Winterscale Street, Fishergate,
YO10 4BT
The purpose of this statement is to set out how York Learning is planning to utilise its 16 to 19 tuition fund allocation to support students who may have had their learning disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic. York Learning will utilise its specialist support model to inform small group practice and ensure that learners with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) benefit from the fund where necessary and appropriate.
Programme Manager (Mon-Wed)
01904 551806
Programme Manager (Wed-Fri)
01904 551561
The teachers here are amazing. They will always look after you and treat you like adults, talk to them and ask for help if you need it.
I have learnt a lot while I have been here and met some amazing people. I will tell people about York Learning.
Yes I might have a bad day and kick off but the staff help me to sort things out! A big thank you to all you have done for me this past nine months.