York Learning has been delivering the CPCAB Counselling Training Courses since 2013 and in that time we have grown to become one of the biggest training centres for CPCAB in the whole of Yorkshire.
All members of the Counselling tutor team are fully qualified counsellors as well as qualified teachers with an extensive amount of knowledge and experience that they bring to the classroom. We are very passionate about providing the highest quality training from Level 2 to Level 4 and we put our learners at the centre of everything we do.
Here at York Learning we pride ourselves on being aware of and responsive to the specific needs of adult learners. We respect and appreciate that on most occasions our learners will be balancing their counselling training with other commitments and priorities such as work, family and child care; often our learners also travel from out of the local area to attend weekly sessions.
With this in mind, all of our courses are delivered through a blended learning model so that we can continue to offer our learners an inclusive and engaging learning environment. The courses combine high quality, interactive online teaching (via Zoom) with more traditional face to face learning from our premises at The Centre @ Burnholme.
We look forward to welcoming you onto the Level 2 Certificate in Counselling Skills as you start your journey of counselling training with York Learning.
Warm Regards
Anna-Marie Gillman
Programme Lead: York Learning Counselling
All you need to know about the Level 2 Certificate in Counselling Skills
Who is this course for?
This qualification is designed to give you the underpinning knowledge, skills and competencies to use counselling skills ethically and safely in a variety of contexts and roles.
This qualification is for:
- Those starting the first level of training as a professional counsellor
- Those who want to learn counselling skills to use in other professional helping roles
- Those who want to improve and enhance their relationships with others through continued professional and personal development.
This qualification could lead to employment or increase employability in the health care professions where advice, guidance, support, advocacy, mentoring or befriending is a requirement of the role.
It provides an additional skill set for those already in employment in such roles and will likely increase opportunities for promotion and advancement.
Duration of course and attendance
This course is run over a period of 30 weeks: You will meet on a weekly basis either in person or on line for 3 hours per week (excluding half term holidays, Easter and Christmas). You are expected to attend each session to ensure that you get the most out of the course and absence from sessions will only be accepted due to unforeseen circumstances such as sickness or other work commitments.
Time required completing homework outside of the sessions
An essential part of your learning is the homework tasks and related reading that you will be set. At this level we suggest you allow between 2- 4 hours per week to complete your homework and reading tasks.
Entry Requirements
You are required to hold a level 2 (or equivalent) in English and be competent in using ICT such as Microsoft Word and PowerPoint. You are also required to have your own email address and access to a lap top or computer and printer. In some circumstances you may be asked to attend an interview with the course leader in order to support your application.
A further requirement is that you purchase the essential course text book. This book can be purchased from SAGE by following a link directly on the homepage of the CPCAB website. For more information visit the CPCAB website at www.cpcab.co.uk
Important to note:
You are not required to have any previous training or experience to be accepted onto the course however this qualification is not suitable for those who are currently in a state of severe emotional difficulty and /or severe psychological confusion. The course involves experiential elements that will involve some personal disclosure and self reflection through associated personal developmental activities.
£520 which can be paid in full or in a number of agreed instalments. Some applicants may qualify for a reduced fee if they are in receipt of certain benefits and meet certain criteria. Please check at the application stage of the process of you feel that you may qualify for a reduced fee.
There are 2 elements to the course and both are required to be passed in order to gain the qualification
- Completion of a portfolio to evidence knowledge and skills through written work and skills practice: this is assessed internally by your tutor and verified by CPCAB
- An external exam where you are required to evidence knowledge and understanding of the 7 learning processes.
The level 3 Certificate in Counselling Studies (CST – L3) or equivalent
Areas and topics studied
This qualification has 7 Learning Processes that will be covered in a range of ways as follows:
- Use counselling skills ethically and safely in a helping role
- Establish and sustain the boundaries of the helping role
- Work empathically as a helper
- Focus on the helpee’s needs and concerns
- Use self awareness in helping work
- Use a range of counselling skills to facilitate the helping interaction
- Use feedback and reflection to enhance counselling skills