16 – 18 Admissions Policy

York Learning
Author Alistair Gourlay
Date of Publication 12 November 2014
Revised 05 September 2023 Alison Thorne
Date of next review August 2024


The York Learning Admissions Policy and Code of Practice comprises two sections, both of which are contained in this document:

Section 1: The Admissions Policy for the admissions of students, which outlines the principles, aims and responsibility of the institution.

Section 2: The Admissions Code of Practice (ACoP), which supports the implementation of York Learningā€™s Admissions process.

The Admissions Policy and the Code of Practice provide the framework for admissions across York Learning. Both documents are reviewed and updated annually

All enquiries relating to admissions should be referred in the first instance to our main customer service telephone number 01904 554277.

Section 1

York Learning values and seeks to recruit students from a diverse student community.

York Learning will endeavour to abide by the principles and aims of the Admissions Policy and the Admissions Code of Practice to ensure that all students are given the opportunity to achieve their potential in relevant subjects at appropriate levels. In accordance with this objective, York Learning is committed to delivering quality teaching and learning to all students.

York Learning welcomes applications from motivated individuals from all backgrounds. We recognise that student potential is not always demonstrated merely by formal academic qualifications and will accept applicants from backgrounds that are under-represented within post-16 education.

The Admissions Policy and Code of Practice aims to support students at each stage of the admissions process and to ensure that potential applicants succeed in their chosen programme of study.

York Learning is committed to promoting equal opportunities for all students, recognising that our provision is enriched by a diverse student body that is reflective of the wider community, and welcomes applications from both home and international communities.

In accordance with our commitment to fair admissions, selection is made on the basis of a range of criteria. Evidence of suitability for study includes academic achievement, professional and personal experience, and the potential to succeed on the intended programme of study.

The Admissions Policy aims to be fair and impartial to all applicants and to ensure York Learning meets the obligations reflected in current legislation and our other policies. A list of the relevant legislation is set out in Annex 2.


The aims of the Admissions Policy are to ensure that:

(i) applicants are treated fairly and impartially

(ii) applicants are appropriately guided and supported through the admissions process

(iii) informed and sound decision making by the applicants and York Learning is assured

(v) information relating to entry criteria is up-to-date, accurate and accessible to applicants and York Learning staff.


Admissions Criteria

The admission of any applicant will be determined by an assessment of their potential to contribute to and benefit from their proposed course of study. Admission will be based on the assessment of a range of criteria and will include academic qualifications, personal circumstances, and professional and other course entry criteria and requirements.

Individual programmes of study may specify entry requirements in addition to this minimum requirement and can include specific subject elements.

No potential student will be excluded from entry as a result of discrimination on the grounds of race, age, gender, sexual orientation, disability, ethnic or national origin, religion or creed.

Applications from prospective students with disabilities will be assessed on the basis of the meeting the course entry requirements.

Recruitment and admissions decisions for applicants with learning and support needs will be undertaken by the Learner Support and Volunteer Manager in consultation with the curriculum head. York Learning will make reasonable adjustments to accommodate applicants with support needs. However, if we are unable to meet these additional needs or can only do so by compromising the learning experience of the student in question, or other students, York Learning will inform the applicant as soon as the situation becomes apparent.

York Learning does not discriminate against learners with criminal convictions, and we welcome applications from all sections of the community. We believe that positive learning experiences can have a transformative impact on learners with an offending background. York Learning reserves the right to refuse entry or withdraw a place if subsequent information about a learner reveals a risk that could lead to potential harm to other learners or staff.

Ultimate responsibility for the admission of prospective applicants onto a particular programme of study rests with the Head of Service. However, such authority is generally devolved to the course tutor or Head of Curriculum.

All staff responsible for admissions decisions or actions will discharge their individual and collective responsibility according to York Learningā€™s Admissions Code of Practice.

All York Learning staff with responsibilities for making admission decisions will undertake training and updating as appropriate to their role.

All York Learning staff will receive and have access to the Admissions Code of Practice.

Operation of the Admissions Policy and the Code of Practice will be monitored and reviewed annually by York Learningā€™s senior management team.

Section 2

The Admissions Code of Practice

York Learning has in place an appropriate and effective set of policies and procedures, which provides clarity of purpose for those having specific responsibilities for admissions.

The policies will determine York Learningā€™s admissions arrangements that are available to all staff who participates in each stage of the admissions and enrolment process.

The Code of Practice provides the policy, procedure and guidance for all aspects of York Learningā€™s admissions process. All admissions staff will have access to the Admissions Policy and Code of Practice electronically or from West Offices.

We will work with other agencies to develop appropriate links that enhance the transition arrangements between York Learning and referring organisation.

York Learning will endeavor to make to applicants an offer which is appropriate to both learner and course entry requirements. In the event that the criteria for entry are not met, wherever possible and appropriate, an alternative offer will be made to the applicant.

Should an application be viewed as unsuccessful, York Learning, reserves the right to refuse admission without explanation.

York Learning recognises the value of the diversity of its student community and is committed to widening participation to achieve this. It will, through the application of this Code, seek to encourage a broad range of applicants and will ensure the opportunity to present their achievements and potential through the application process.

No applicant will be refused admission on the basis of age, race, gender, religion or disability. Applicants with disabilities who do not meet appropriate published entry requirements should not be treated differently from other learners and should be offered alternative courses, where possible.

Applicants are actively encouraged to declare a learning difficulty/disability on pre-entry, throughout their course and through progression, so that an appropriate referral can be made to support them whilst on their course.

York Learning reserves the right to recruit appropriately to age-related provision and, in particular, courses for 14-16 year olds from schools or academies will remain age-restricted as the learnerā€™s governance is with another institution.

York Learning will offer appropriate information advice and guidance to both potential and enrolled students to enable them to make informed decisions and choices at relevant stages of the admissions cycle, throughout their course and on exit from learning.

York Learning will ensure enquiries received via telephone, email, in person or letter will be logged and responded to within five (5) working days wherever possible.

York Learning will respond to applications within ten (10) working days of receipt. On submission of an application form, applicants can request information about the progress of their application at any stage.

Students will be notified of the outcome of their interview within 10 working days of the interview.

York Learning will provide a range of events, including Open days and one day workshops, as well as a portfolio of information opportunities for potential applicants.

York Learning will provide and give access to relevant/related policies on its website and when requested to do so by an applicant.

York Learning determines its entry requirements and selects students in accordance with policies and procedures that are based on consistency, equity, fairness, transparency and good practice.

Staff with admissions responsibility will review its admissions criteria on a regular basis, and at least annually, in order to ensure the process of selection is appropriate for, and in accordance with, our policies and recruitment strategies.

Changes to policy or entry criteria will be approved by the Senior Management Team and communicated within York Learning and beyond at the appropriate point in the admissions cycle.

York Learning will determine specialist entry criteria, such as interview and portfolio requirements, in accordance with the needs of the course and will make explicit and transparent the purpose and reason for such variation.

Applicants entitled to an interview will receive confidential and impartial information, advice and guidance at pre-entry, whilst on programme, and on exit from learning.

All staff with responsibility for setting course entry criteria and / or decision-making will be updated annually on relevant internal and external policies, procedures and guidelines. In addition, staff with support or service responsibilities will be informed of the admissions policies and procedures and will be updated annually on relevant aspects of policy and procedure.

York Learning expects applicants to be aware of their individual responsibilities in support of the effective application and admissions process. These responsibilities include an awareness of, and engagement with, York Learning regulations, requirements and procedures.

Applicants should make themselves familiar with relevant regulations and timescales associated with each stage of the admissions process.

York Learning reviews and monitors its admissions cycle annually in order to ensure its Code of Practice operates effectively and continues to develop in accordance with relevant policy and operational changes.

Each Head of Curriculum will review the operation of the current yearā€™s admissions arrangements in the light of progression figures, planned curriculum changes and changes in post-16 qualifications. In addition, data collected on performance in relation to applicantsā€™ characteristics, including age, gender, ethnicity, disability and socio-economic status, will also be taken into account.

Applicants to 16-18 Foundation Study programmes (including HNS students up to 25 with EHCPs) should be advised that full time students are not offered 5 day a week education provision. Our total guided learning hours sit in line with national Further Education delivery models, with a maximum offer of a 4 day package. This policy applies to programmes York Learning delivers both directly or subcontracts as a lead provider.


York Learning recognises that people can change their name/identity for any reason.

York Learning will call you by your preferred name in class, by email, on the phone etc.

York Learning understand that you may want to use a different name to the one you have enrolled on the course with.

York Learning can only use the name you are legally registered as for official documentation. This includes, but is not limited to,Ā  EBS our data management system, our electronic registers, registration with awarding bodies, any certification that you might accrue as a result of exams, support plans, EHCPā€™s, etc.

The only way you can get certificates in a different name to the one you registered on the course with is with legal proof of name change, eg: deed poll or marriage/divorce certificate. In the event that you provide legal proof of name change your records would be updated and would reflect your chosen name/identity. Any previous records cannot be deleted under our legal requirements linked to course funding from the Government before the designated timescales laid out in our GDPR policy. However, the electronic record would be updated with your new name and your previously given name would be removed from the record. Historical physical paperwork cannot be changed and would remain on file under your previous name. If you want certificates in your new legal name after you have left the course, you would need to pay the awarding body fees for an updated version of your certificates. This is not under the control of York Learning.