Author: | Alistair Gourlay, last updated by Helen Clarkson |
Date of Publication: | 31st May 2016 |
Revised | 19th August 2024 |
Next date of review | August 2025 |
Assessment Policy Statement
All learners are entitled to receive assessment that is fair, rigorous, regular and appropriate to the learning needs of the course. It is our commitment to:
- provide and signpost to courses that are suited to the learner’s level of ability and previous experience;
- give feedback on work undertaken and suggestions on how the learner can continue to improve;
- encourage learner ownership of targets and recording of progress towards learning aims;
- support the learning journey, including development of English, maths and ICT skills across all courses;
- provide information, advice and guidance (IAG) on further learning where appropriate.
The aims of this policy are to:
- ensure that tutors work with learners to continually assess their needs, enabling them to get the maximum benefit from their course and beyond;
- provide guidelines for tutors and learners about their roles and responsibilities in the learning and assessment process;
- ensure that assessment, verification and moderation procedures are carried out in accordance with awarding body, City of York Council and York Learning requirements.
It is essential that assessment is:
- fair and reliable ensuring that assessment decisions are made consistently throughout York Learning and conducted by staff who have the appropriate knowledge, understanding and skills, and are trained in the activity. Where a set of work is divided between staff, internal moderation and standardisation will ensure consistency;
- valid, by ensuring that each assessment relates to the intended outcomes of the subject studied;
- transparent, in that it is clear to students, staff and external auditors the criteria and methods by which students work is being judged;
- recognises and respects equality and diversity;
- carried out in accordance with awarding body requirements and the instructions issued by the JCQ (Joint Council for Qualification) in the case of controlled assessments;
- based on identified training needs and evidence sources (including Accreditation of prior Learning (APL) and structured presentation of evidence and achievement of the learning outcome recorded on assessment records.
York Learning is committed to ensuring that assessment evidence, provided by a candidate is produced and authenticated, according to the requirements of the relevant specifications for each subject.
York Learning’s appeals procedure must be followed in cases where a learner disagrees with the outcome of an assessment.
Learners are required to:
- undertake all assessment tasks planned by the tutor, including initial and on-going assessment to inform group and individual learning plans;
- attend all classes regularly and punctually;
- enter into discussion with the course tutor around individual targets and learning aims;
- record work undertaken in class in an agreed format appropriate to the course;
- complete all tasks and course work to agreed deadlines;
- provide course work and / or portfolio evidence for inspection to course tutors, observers, internal and external verifiers on request;
- attend as agreed any formal assessments and examinations for which they have been entered;
- inform the examinations team of any individual needs, for example dietary or religious requirements during examination periods;
- check your examination entries and timetable carefully and notifying the examinations team of any discrepancies’
- provide appropriate supporting evidence in cases where you are unable to attend an examination or complete an assessment.
- punctual attendance at examinations and ensure you arrive with the necessary equipment;
- understand and adhere to York Learning’s plagiarism policy
Tutors are required to:
(i) on entry
- assess learners’ prior learning and experience
- set a subject specific diagnostic assessment during the induction period that will identify individual learners’ strengths and weaknesses to inform targets and course development
- adjust plans and materials and provide additional support for individual learners as appropriate
- complete individual learning plans with learners and set SMART targets in line with service requirements (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-specific);
- assess learners accessibility needs and requirements and request support and adaptations if required.
(ii) on course
- ensure all learners have agreed short and long term aims for the course;
- ensure all task objectives contain clear assessment and success criteria;
- return all marked assignments in accordance with the marking policy within one week, with appropriate feedback;
- undertake regular reviews to give specific feedback and discuss learner progress in relation to the SMART targets agreed, setting further targets where appropriate;
- provide feedback to managers, as required, on individual and group progress towards the learning aim;
- provide opportunities for learners to assess and comment on their own work;
- provide opportunities for learners to record learning taking place in the classroom and beyond and to take ownership of their progress;
- maintain learner attendance records and tracking documentation up to date at all times;
- contribute to the improvement of learners’ English, maths and ICT skills in line with the service-wide Functional Skills Strategy;
- report any incidences of malpractice or maladministration in accordance with our policy;
- keep service records up to date on what individual learner information you retain whilst the learner is on course;
- ensure any exam adaptations and accessibility requirements are reported to the examinations team at the time of registering the learners for examinations;
(iii) end of course
- ensure learners have an opportunity to complete survey feedback;
- provide IAG towards further learning and other progression opportunities;
Linked Policies:
- Admissions Policy
- Plagiarism Policy
- Appeals Policy and Procedures
- Recognition of Prior Learning Policy