Booking Terms and Conditions

This website ( is maintained by City of York Council. We take care compiling information for this website, however we cannot guarantee the accuracy of the content. We disclaim liability for injury, loss or damage arising from inaccuracies, omissions or interpretation of its content. If you believe any content to be inaccurate please contact us.

We may change these terms and conditions at any time, without notice, so you should revisit these pages regularly. We may also change and improve the information and services available on the website at any time.

This website links to other websites, both managed by City of York Council and third party websites. When you navigate to these websites it may be very clear you have gone to a different website or it may be seamless (ie you are not aware that you have been anywhere else).

Some of these websites may have slightly different accessibility standards and may be maintained in a different way to the rest of the council website. However, each of these sites is subject to this disclaimer about the quality of the content available on them.

This website links to external websites (ie ones not managed by City of York Council). We have no control over their reliability or the content included on them. Inclusion of an external link is not an endorsement or a claim about the accuracy of the content on the website.

Terms & Conditions

Course / Event Bookings

The term ā€œusā€ or ā€œweā€ refers to City of York Council, West Offices, Station Rise, York YO1 6GA. The term “you” refers to the student, learner, user or viewer of our website. By agreeing, you are consenting to comply with and be bound by the following terms and conditions.

When you make a booking via we have a legitimate interest to collect data before enrolment during the online registration process as this enables us to allow you to book on to a course.Ā  Any data collected via registration that does not lead to a completed course booking will automatically be deleted within six months of collecting this data.

Important ā€“ Please note:

Proof of Benefit

Proof of benefit is needed at the time of enrolment in order to qualify for a fee reduction. Your place on the course cannot be confirmed until proof has been seen by a member of the enrolment team.

If proof is not provided within 2 weeks of enrolment, you may lose your place on the course. You can provide this information either by uploading it to your York Learning booking account, in person at Desk 22 City of York Council, West Offices, Station Rise, York YO1 6GA, by posting to York Learning, City of York Council, West Offices, Station Rise, York YO1 6GA, or by email to Please clearly mark your name and course enrolled to if providing proof by post.

Please note:

  • If you are providing proof of Universal Credit, you must ensure you include the section of your UC portal which shows your earned income.
  • Any evidence you send must be dated within at least three months of your enrolment, unless it is an annually reviewed benefit where you should submit your most recent evidence.

Learners who fail to produce evidence of entitlement to a reduced fee once the programme has started will be required to pay the full fee and will be invoiced accordingly.
If any fees or other costs are provided either through the Learner Support Fund, Social Prescription, or because you are in receipt of benefits, you may be charged the full cost of the course if you do not attend regularly.



A full refund will be available in the following circumstances:

  • A course closes due to lack of numbers
  • The time/date/day of the course changes from the originally advertised/planned course details and you are unable to attend the revised time. If this happens after the course has started, you will receive a pro-rata refund based on the number of the weeks remaining. This does not apply if only one session is affected.
  • You booked the course online or over the telephone and have changed your mind within 14 days of the booking. (This does not apply where the course commences within the 14 day cooling off period).

If you cancel

You do not have an automatic right to cancel your course and receive a refund except where it is within the cooling off period as detailed below. Normally we will not give a refund if you simply change your mind. However, we will consider requests for a refund based on individual circumstances and/or where the refund request is made well in advance of the course start date, usually within 4 weeks or longer. Where a course is due to begin within 2 weeks of the refund request or where the course has already started we will not be able to offer a refund. This is notwithstanding the 14 cooling off period as detailed below.

Distance Selling Regulation ā€“ Changing your mind and cooling off period

If you book your course on line or over the phone then you are allowed a fourteen (14) day ā€˜cooling off periodā€™ which gives you an unconditional right to cancel your course booking. (This does not apply if the course you are enrolling to starts prior to the end of the cooling off period)
Once a course has started, refunds will only be given under exceptional circumstances and are at the discretion of the Head of York Learning. To request a refund please apply in writing to the Operations Manager, York Learning, West Offices, York, YO1 6GA or by email to
If a refund is given outside of the 14 day cooling off period, an administration charge will be applied as follows:

  • Ā£25 for most courses, except
    • One day workshops, where the fee is Ā£10
    • CPCAB Counselling courses, where the fee is Ā£125

Advanced Learning Loans

Advanced Learning loans are not included in York Learningā€™s Refund policy. This is because the Advanced Learner Loans are not provided by York Learning and are subject to an agreement between yourself and the Student Loan Company. Once you take out an agreement with the Student Loan Company you are subject to their terms and conditions. Refunds via York Learning on behalf of City of York Council are therefore not available.

Payment by instalments and cancelling your direct debit

If the payment is

  • over Ā£120 and more than 10 weeks long or
  • for multiple courses with a total cost of Ā£175

you can choose to pay by instalments via Direct Debit. If you have opted to pay by instalments you are agreeing to pay the whole of the course fee in a number of payments. Setting up a direct debit is not designed to enable part payment of a course fee. If you decide part way through the course that you have changed your mind or your circumstances change, you are not entitled to simply cancel your direct debit. This would in effect be a part refund on the fee that you should have paid. If you cancel your direct debit you will then be liable for the full cost of the course and we will take action to recover the debt. Refunds for part paid courses or part attended courses are not available.

The exception to Direct Debit is for any of the Counselling programmes for which the non-refundable registration fee must be paid as one sum and is not eligible for Direct Debit.

Bad weather closures or closures beyond our direct control

When a class has to be closed due to bad weather, no refunds or vouchers will be given for the missed session. However, every effort will be made to ensure that an additional class is provided in lieu as follows:

  • An extra session may be added on to the end of the course
  • An extra half hour may be added onto the remaining weeks of the course, up to the number of hours missed ā€“ e.g. for a 2 hour course an extra half hour could be added to the last 4 sessions.

You will not receive any refund or voucher if you are unable to attend the extra session.

This refund policy is reproduced in full as part of the term and conditions available when booking online.

Data Protection

Please note that your information will be held by City of York Council and will be used for the administration of any applications or enrolments you make. We intend to keep the information for as long as it is required to facilitate your learning, and to comply with funding regulations. The information will be held securely and will be disclosed to organisations for funding purposes only. The information which you provide will be destroyed in a secure manner within GDPR. We may share your information with third parties for the purposes of following up destinations but this information will only be used for this purpose.



Personal information you supply to us using this website


When you send us personal information via an email address listed on this website we will only use the information supplied in the email for the purpose that you gave it to us for. This usually means that we only forward your information within the council to officers who need to see it in order to respond to it. Each council department that deals with enquiries from the website will also be subject to the councilā€™s information management charter and data protection policy. Where we do need to contact a third party there will be a contract ensuring that your personal information is protected. No personal information will be passed on to third parties for commercial purposes. We may share your data with third parties for the purposes of collecting destination data. Where this is the case the information supplied will be subject to our data protection policies.

Eforms (electronic forms)

When you give us personal information using an electronic form (an eform) available on this website, the information you supply will only be used for the purposes stated on the form.
You will only be asked to register with us once ā€“ after that, your email address will be sufficient to identify you. Your email address will only be used to acknowledge receipt of your enquiry, and to follow it up if necessary.

When we ask you for personal information, we will:

  • ensure you know why we need it
  • protect it and make sure nobody has access to it who shouldnā€™t
  • ensure you know if you have a choice about giving us information
  • make sure we donā€™t keep it longer than necessary

We ask that you:

  • give us accurate information
  • tell us as soon as possible of any changes
  • tell us as soon as possible if you notice mistakes in the information we hold about you.

Unsolicited paper or electronic mail

You will not receive unsolicited paper or electronic mail as a result of sending us any personal information using this website unless you have given us permission to do this.

Management information

Information that you provide to the council via this website may be used for statistical analysis, but it will not be used in a way that enables you to be identified. For example, we may keep emails sent to for a period of time so we are able to monitor the number of emails we receive. None of the personal information in these emails will be used once the initial enquiry has been dealt with.


Cookies are small pieces of text that contain a unique number sent by a web server when you visit a web page and stored in the cookie directory on your computer. This website uses cookies to gather information about site usage, such as number of visitors and repeat visits. We analyse site usage statistics to help us improve the website.
The cookies we use contain no personal information about the user. Cookies on this site may safely be turned off by users without affecting how pages are displayed.


Unless otherwise stated, the design and layout of this website, and all the material published including text, graphics, logos, sounds, images and attached documents are copyright of City of York Council.

Some logos from other organisations are used on our website, such as the freedom of information logo. Where this happens we use the logo according to the guidelines laid down by the organisation that has copyright of the logo.

Refund Request Form

Use this form if you are requesting a refund for a course fee that is within the 14 day cooling off period under Consumer Contracts Regulations. You do not have to use this form to request a refund but it makes it easier to verify your request

Date you booked the course:
Date you are making the request:
Title of the course you are requesting a refund for:
Total fee paid that you are requesting is refunded: Ā£
Reason for the refund request:

This form should be emailed to and you should include in the subject bar Refund Request

If you wish to send this by post then please send to
York Learning
West Offices
Station Rise