English & MathsEnglish & maths
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It’s never too late.

In August, over 60 adults across York will be getting their English and maths GCSE results; plus many more who have studied Functional Skills qualifications in English, maths and ICT this year.

It could be you!

Did you know that you can study English and maths up to GCSE level for free at any point in your life, as long as you haven’t already got a 4/C or above in the subject? It’s nothing like being at school, and many learners are surprised by what they are able to achieve. If you don’t feel ready for GCSE yet, talk to us about Functional Skills qualifications.

To get started, book an initial assessment in your chosen subject:

GCSE English
GCSE Maths
Functional Skills English
Functional Skills Maths
English for Speakers of Other Languages[/sm_column_text][sm_column_text]

Angela’s story

I enrolled on the GCSE Maths course last September with more than a little trepidation!  Those fears, however, were soon allayed by a very gentle introduction to what was to become a hugely rewarding experience.
Being used to the traditional ‘chalk and talk’ method of classroom based teaching, a whole new world opened up to me via the digital environment.  No more pen and paper calculations, Google Classroom became the norm.  Eratosthenes, Fibonacci and Venn all entered my vocabulary!  Inches, pints and ounces were replaced by centimetres, litres and grams!  I even learned how to use a scientific calculator as part of the course!
Helen is a fantastic teacher, with oodles of patience and a clever knack of pitching the work to suit all learners.  And, when the going gets tough, she’s there offering support and guidance in abundance.  The lessons are broken down into manageable chunks and, along with her colleagues, Helen works hard to ensure that her students are given ample opportunity to understand and embed their learning.
I would highly recommend the course to anyone wishing to improve their mathematical skills.  Be brave and enrol!
