[sm_image image=”5385″][sm_column_text]The wait is over… courses for Autumn 2021 are now available to book! Over on our booking system you’ll find over 300 new courses, including both face to face and online classes.
Among them, you’ll find some new or returning courses…
Acrylic painting – take inspiration from Cezanne, Matisse and Picasso
Stained Glass
Furniture Design and Restoration
Design your Dream Garden
HIIT Workout
Christmas Workshops
Hatha Yoga
…plus much, much more!
[/sm_column_text][sm_button align=”sm-full” style=”sm-style-white” link=”https://search.yorklearning.org.uk” open_new=”true”]Browse the full offer on our booking system now – click here! [/sm_button]