Many of these learners come to York Learning as complete beginners, and as ever we are astounded by the quality of the work that has been produced.
Under normal circumstances, we would hold Inspirations in person and invite you all to join us. This year, we’re hosting a virtual exhibition instead, which you can find in two parts: Art and Photography, and Textiles and Dressmaking. An online exhibition like this means that you can ‘like’ the images and leave comments for the artists – it’s a great way to share encouragement. Enjoy![/sm_column_text][sm_button align=”sm-full” style=”sm-style-white” link=”” open_new=”true”]View the Art & Photography exhibition[/sm_button][sm_button align=”sm-full” style=”sm-style-white” link=”” open_new=”true”]View the Textiles & Dressmaking exhibition[/sm_button]